
Let's Talk About Sex Boys 1

Taught by John Graper:

This isn't a health class discussion about sex first off. Hopefully, you have already heard the simple basics. Boys have penises, girls have vaginas. It all sounds so simple - yet it can be so difficult and can cause a multitude of blessings or curses. What this first study is about is purity and what God has to say about sex. Matthew 5:27,28 "you have heard that the law of Moses says, "do not commit adultery. But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart. The world says that lust is normal; that there isn't anything wrong with it. But, God says differently. Our eyes let the images in and the mind keeps replaying them over and over again. The key then would be to NOT let those images in that are going to cause us to lust then - right? But those images are everywhere... you cannot watch anything on television just about that doesn't have a scantily clad woman on it. Commercials, magazines, games, all have nearly nude women on them. And then there are the magazines such as Maxim and Playboy that don't leave much of anything to the imagination and down the wrong road we go. It has been said that even taking a 20 second look at a Playboy centerfold can take up to 20 years to forget. The key is to make a decision to take our thoughts captive like the bible suggests. 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. It's all about self control. Which this world wants us to give up on. It all sounds so old fashioned and out of style.... but let me tell you God never goes out of style!!!! It is a fruit of the holy spirit - SELF CONTROL. It is one of the hardest things to achieve but we need to work on. Guys, learn to train your eyes, look at the girls EYES when she is talking to you. Learn to bounce your eyes away and then when you begin to think about something - take those thoughts captive and think upon something else. The problem is when you don't do that - you will continue to need more and more and more. It's like feeding a monster and the problem with feeding it -is he just keeps getting stronger and stronger and harder to satisfy. I am not saying that its abnormal to want to look or glance and appreciate a woman and her beauty or shape. God made her and He made her beautiful for us so that we would want to make love to her and be fruitful and multiply. He made the sexual act enjoyable so that we would want to procreate and so that we would also enjoy ourselves here on this earth too. We serve a great God! He just wants us to do all of this within the confines of a marriage relationship. It is said that adult males, because of sperm production and related hormones desire a sexual release about every 72 hours. When you add in man's sinful nature and lack of self control and then take into account the attractiveness of women - we can see that we are fighting a very tough battle. But it can be done. If you as a guy can think selflessly and consider the girl - you would treat her with much more respect. Don't put your needs, wants and desires before the girl's. Premarital sex is selfish, because in truth you have no right whatsoever to her sexuality. The word: F=fornication, U=under, C=consent, of the K=king; you get it right??? Guys if you tell me that you are godly - then who is your KING??? Jesus is. That should be enough to tell you that God intends the sexual act to be done according to His commands and that means within the confines of a marriage between a man and a woman. What gives you the right - to take any girls sexuality? It doesn't belong to you unless she is your wife.... It is important to set boundaries for yourself. Don't wait until your in the situation but do it right now. And don't just set boundaries but defend them! Don't put yourself in situations where it is going to be too difficult to say no. Don't be alone in a house or car with a girl that you like, group date instead of dating just one girl and guard yourself from being alone with her. Make a plan that you yourself will stay pure. YES, YOU - A GUY! Keep yourself pure for marriage, the world doesn't value it but God does. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Run away from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Or don't you know that your vody is the temple of the HOly Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? Like I said before; the world will tell you this is backward, crazy thinking and this thinking is definitely not normal compared to what the world is doing. BUT remember what is says in Isaiah 8:11 the Lord has said to me in the strongest terms: don't think like everyone else does.


Let's Talk About Sex Girls 1

A message from Shelby about valuing yourself and your sexuality. For the girlies.

*listen to this message!*