
It's the Least I Could Do

But what's the most you could do?

It's the least that I can do.  It's a saying we use when we've done something for someone after they've done something pretty nice for us. But have you ever really thought about what it means? It's the least that you can do? Is our least good enough? Is it ever good enough?

Do I really want to do the least I can do in payment to those who gave all that they had to give? Could God ever be pleased with that? Not when we look at a scripture in Mark 12:41-44 Jesus while teaching in the temple was sitting across from the offering box; he was observing how the crowd tossed money in for the collection. Many of the rich were making large contributions. One poor widow came up and put in two small coins – a measly two cents. Jesus called His disciples over and said, "The truth is that this poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together. All the others gave what they'll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn't afford; she gave her all." When this woman was faced with her decision of what to give… she didn't give the least of what she could do but she did the most.

What about us? What would happen if we changed our mindset on doing the least and began to do the most? Not just in your financial giving but in your whole life giving.

First – Let me explain one very important thing… all that we talk about here will probably not make much sense to you if you don't know the Living God and His Good News; which is the gospel of Jesus Christ…John 3:16 The Message puts it this way…

This is how much God loved the world: He gave His Son; His one and only son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in Him, anyone can have a whole and everlasting life. God didn't go through all the trouble of sending His son merely to point an accusing finger telling the world how bad it was.

He came to help; to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in Him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust in Him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it; and why; because of that person's failure to believe in the one of a kind Son of god when introduced to Him.  In this first; our salvation alone will be the least that we can do IF WE THEN DO NOTHING ELSE!

Second – When this message is true to you; when you really believe this good news; you will want to give this gift to those around you. Not just because we are told to do it but because we truly want to do it.

Because you know with all your heart that it made a difference for you. Because you know that there is power and freedom in forgiveness.

Because you know that God promises a life of abundance and it cannot be had unless we know Him.

Because you know that if we don't believe this message that our friends and families destinies – their eternities will be lived out in hell.

It's kind of like your scuba diving and you notice that there is a person holding onto their very last breath before they drown and you stand next to them with a tank full of oxygen to give them the breath that will save their lives.

And soon you begin to notice that there are many drowning people everywhere among us. Sadly for a lot of churches everywhere they will be willing to give this life IF someone just happens to stumble into the building on a Sunday morning but this in itself will never be enough. Jesus' message in Luke 19:10 was to SEEK AND SAVE the lost.

We might be willing to do the saving if it's quick and easy and if the timing is right and if I don't have anywhere else I have to be like work, a movie or hanging out with friends. But how many of us are actually willing to put the work into seeking?

The world is full of people who have NEVER heard a true representation of the message of salvation.

If you have it is up to you to either accept or reject it and if you choose to accept it than you better take seriously the charge Jesus gave us; which is the Great Commission.

Matthew 24:14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

To the lost, the gospel is a light

To the dead, it is life

To the sick, it is the healer

To the slave, it is freedom

But do you have eyes to see? Do you have a heart to care? And will you seek out those who are lost?

Don't do the least but do the most like those who have gone before us.

Like Noah did when he built an ark in the desert to save those who were willing to be saved.

Like the friends of the paralyzed man did when they dug a hole on e top of the building Jesus was in so that the man could be healed.

Like Mary did when she poured out an entire alabaster jar of perfume upon Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair.

Like Joey Gordon a missionary to India did when he backpacked bibles into a village who had never heard the good news of God.

All of these things the world might look at and say "who cares, what did it matter -what a waste."

But it wasn't a waste for those who made it on the ark, or the paralyzed man, or Joey Gordon, and of course Mary. Jesus called what she did worship. He said that EVERYWHERE that the gospel is preached that this woman's offering would be talked about in her memory. And here we are talking about it more than 2000 years later. If only we would have such a testimony.

Mary made her offering personal; she gave yes, but not weakly but with passion.

Giving is the most precious in God's sight when it is our worship to Him.

Our giving has got to become personal.

When you give to missions or Speed the Light or you do something for Jesus out of your faith make it personal. Make it worship! And make it not the least you can do but the most. Everywhere!

Because when we do our most then God does His most.

Missionaries did their most and there are now:

Christian churches now in Iraq.

A bible school in Iraq.

3500 families have to come to Christ in Afghanistan.

When you give or go we see things happen.

In one country the Muslim leadership gave the missionaries 100 acres of ground in exchange for their help in digging a well; and afterward they offered to help build them a church.

In Africa they needed ground to build a church and when he asked a chief he was told that if the missionary would take the chiefs daughter and some others for a ride in his STL vehicle they could have the space to build… there is now a church on that property.

Assemblies of God are reaching 288 people an hour.

They are in more countries than the United Nations.

A new church is built every six minutes.

God may call you someday to go EVERYWHERE… but I want you students to know about a missionary appointment that you have right now. You can be a Campus Missionary. You have a mission field.

It's in Mendota, LP, Hall, Putnam County and Ottawa and all the Jr. Highs.

You are called to be a campus missionary right here, right now. If you are a believer you are called to reach your classmates for Him.

You don't need a special appointment to do it. You just have to have a heart to see those who are drowning around you and reach out to them with some oxygen.

But to do it you have to be real. And a real follower of Christ does these 5 things.


Daily communicate with God, read His word, and pray for your friends, enemies, teachers, principals, family members, co- workers and others who don't know the God we serve.


Live a life of authenticity. Be consistent in your walk with God. Demonstrate true godly character and obedient faith and be passionate in your love for God and His Word. Worship and Praise God for all He does for you.


Follow Jesus' example of servant hood by using your God given gifts and abilities,

 (Your talents), to serve the church and your community; model daily sincere humility that draws people to see Jesus through you.


Actively pursue opportunities to talk about Jesus. Be prepared to initiate conversations about spiritual matters with those you talk to about other things. Respond to questions that you get about God and faith in the matter God would want you to – kindly and with respect and lead others to a personal real genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.


Honor God by giving to God your most. Give generously of your time, talents and money to spread the message of Jesus.

Quit doing the least of what you can do for the God who did it all for you and begin to do your most!

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