
Evaluate and Appropriate

Evaluate : to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess:

Appropriate : to set apart, authorize, or legislate for some specific purpose or use:

Something to think about since we are in the month of January and can do things differently IF we choose.

Something New?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results...:

1)    Most people I know…

____ don't want to change.

____ want to change, but don't know how.

____ know that something needs to change in their lives, but they don't know what.

____ change when they really want to.

____ have no trouble changing but have lots of trouble keeping their commitments.


2)    What one new thing would you like to do this year in…

Your friendships?


Your activities?


Your studies?


3)    What is one way you want your faith to be different this New Year?


4)    How can your friends help you to get there?


5)    How can we at CYM help you to get there?



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