
Final Sex Talk

There is a scripture verse that is always spoken of in youth ministries - 1 Timothy 4:12 which says, Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you teach, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.

Most people emphasize the first part of that verse but what I want to challenge you on and speak to you about is the second half of that scripture.

See, it isn't as much about having good self esteem as it is that it doesn't matter as much about your age, as much as it does being an example to everyone around you of all ages everywhere. What God is really trying to say to us is;  when you are young be the example to the little kids, the young adults, the middle agers and the senior citizens. It is more so about stepping up to do the job that we've been called to do.

We are called to teach the truth even when it isn't popular.

Live it - don't just say it. God wants us to daily make Him first in all matters of your life.

Show love to everyone; not just to those who love you and treat you well but also to those who treat you badly.

Put your faith in the forefront, spend time with God. Worship Him and read His Word. Pray to Him - Seek His will for your life. AND..............

Live a life of purity.

The word of God says for us to be an example in purity. I say to you... Keep yourself pure. The word pure here refers to our sexual purity. Like we've said before - sex is not wrong or dirty, God is the One who created us to be male and female and He was the One who pronounced our sexuality to be "very good!" He just put up some boundaries for us to accomplish it in. Before rebelling against God's will, Adam and Eve enjoyed living in the garden in harmony, not even aware of their nakedness; but right after the fall, they had a sense of shame and immediately hid themselves. Sin degrades our sexuality. Sin treats people as objects for sexual gratification instead of being looked at as God's creation that should be respected. When we sin - we feel inferior and unworthy of God - so we still hide from Him today.

I challenge each and every one of you to keep yourself pure. Sexual purity is a lifestyle to be lived, and it's a choice that you will have to make every single day for as long as you live. We shouldn't be surprised when a non believer doesn't practice this lifestyle  - Titus 1:15 says "to the unbeliever nothing is pure." but we should be sad and disappointed like God is when a so called believer chooses to lower the standard. In 2 Samuel 22 and in Psalm 18 its said that "to the pure God shows himself pure." Purity is God's character. Psalm 24 the question is asked... Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord and who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart." Jesus says - "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

Purity and sin affects our relationship with God. It's like a two way telephone conversation that becomes filled with static and interference. We cannot hear God and He cannot hear us and our feeble prayers.

Because purity reflects the character of God - then purity should be a charcteristic of God's people. Again, I challenge you and God wishes for you to quit playing church and playing house with those of the opposite sex and set a standard of purity that you WILL NOT cross.

God is so good to us and He loves us so much - even when we have failed Him and thrown away our purity. The great thing about Him is that His promise is to give it all back to us if we truly want it. Beauty for ashes - He promises! Just ask for His forgiveness, and ask for His strength and help. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us, for He cannot lie.

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