
Take Me To Your Leader

Alien or Earthling, Jesus was an alien, how about you?
Chances are you've seen a movie or two about aliens in your life as you've gotten older. Alien, E.T., Mars Attacks, Independence Day, Star Wars, Star Trek, X- Files, Signs… ….to name just a few. You could have even seen Sesame Streets' Yip Yip aliens when you were a kid. All these movies or shows investigate the possibility that extraterrestrial life forms exist. For some reason Hollywood seems to be quite fascinated with the idea of aliens, Martians, and extraterrestrials. Years ago someone mentioned to me when I became a Christian that aliens exist in the bible. That intrigued me so I checked it out and you know what, to my amazement I found out that they were right. There are scripture verses to support that…Psalm 146:9 The Lord watches over the aliens and sustains the fatherless and the widow but He frustrates the ways of the wicked. Interesting… God cares about aliens – little green men?  - As much as he does orphans and widows.What is an alien? The definition is a foreigner or a person who has been estranged or excluded. What is it that makes aliens different?

They look different.

They act different.

They talk different.

They are from a different world

And just like E. T. ...If you take them away from their world, they long to go back to it.

Some of you out there might believe that these aliens really do exist OR you may just be thinking that they are created by some guy on a Hollywood back lot.

It may come as a surprise to have me tell you the truth; that aliens are real and they have already landed here on earth? Tonight we are going to unmask historical evidence that shows and proves that aliens DO EXIST and that they are actually right here on planet earth……you may have come into contact with them yourself and not even known it.

1 Peter 2:11 Dear friends I urge you as aliens and strangers in this world, to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul. Peter is not writing to E.T here – He is writing to Christians. Yep, those crazy Christians just like you might have suspected are the aliens. If you are a true follower of Christ then you my friend are an alien. I am going to perform my very own SETI experiment….I am going to Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Let s see if we have any real aliens out there. Which brings us to the first point about aliens…


We may not have big green slimy heads with enormous eyes……or at least some of us don't; but we look different. And please dear God it's not just about our T-shirts, bracelets, or bumper stickers…. There is something inside of us that makes us different. We don't blend in as easily with the rest of the humanoids.

It's kind of like trying to fit an end piece of a puzzle into the middle. The color and size might be the same but it just won't fit no matter how hard you try to force it.

Our difference comes from the inside; which makes sense since we are to be like Christ and He himself spoke in John 17:14 saying, I have given them your word and the world has hated them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not. That means Jesus was an alien too. If Jesus was an alien then those who are His followers are all to follow suit and become alien.

Philippians 3:18-21

For as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their God is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables Him to bring everything under his control; will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

In America we become legal citizens. We claim these United States as our home. This world that we live in as true Aliens (Christians) is not our home. Our true alien planet; our home is really in Heaven. We are just passing through and while we are here there is a purpose to all of this… Our mission as aliens in this world is to take them to our leader. We are not here just to sight see like we are on a perpetual vacation – just soaking up all the native night life and seeing all the cool things and party hardy. Nope, it's about all of us taking other earthlings to meet our leader…We are to show others our great commander; our Fearless Leader, Jesus is real and amazing.  Our purpose in truth is to make this an alien Nation. If we can communicate to the earthlings that our planet is better and it's going to be so much cooler (figuratively) then we will bring many of them back with us.

But some of us aren't getting the mission…some of us don't even know how to tell the earthlings about our alien planet.

Sometimes we try to tell the people that we come into contact with that, " we are aliens" that we have green skin and misshapen bodies and heads and we speak a different language but to them on the outside we look absolutely no different than their best earthling friends. This WON"T WORK! To fulfill our mission; we need to show the earthlings that we really are different; we need to stand out. We need to keep our tinge of green and quit hiding our antenna.

We have to look different and we have to act different.

Our job as aliens is to cause some curiosity.

E.T. would light up his E.T. finger and let it shine before Elliot. WE need to let our light shine before men too. Matthew 5:16 says "let your light shine before men so that they might see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Our lives should cause even those who oppose us to be curious about us.

Sometimes the people (the earthlings) that seem to be the most disgusted with us because we're alien; will be the ones who will cause us the most trouble sometimes – saying hurtful things to us or about our leader, or our manual - because they are the ones who are watching us much more closely to see how loyal we are… how authentic we are.

We're no different on that front…Aliens or earthlings alike want to see the real deal. And they want to hear realness in our words too.

People that go back and forth between two different languages – it just becomes unclear and messy…..we need to remember that if we are trying to speak both languages within one conversation – all we hear and all we get is a confusing message…. The message HAS to be spoken clearly in one dialect to be able to understand it. There are some wannabee aliens out there who are trying to do both and that won't work. The earthlings won't understand what we are trying to say because we are speaking in Alien and the aliens won't understand because we are throwing too much earthling talk in there.  Our words will have no effect at all; because they are ONLY empty words. We need to live in a way that will cause the earthlings to be curious of our world – with that will come criticism and sometimes neglect and hurtfulness but isn't it worth it when we love our leader as much as we do and we see the importance of our mission. And just like E.T. we have to be disciplined and determined to return home someday. E.T was separated from his ship but he never just sat back and went native….He was always speaking… phone home, phone home, phone home.

He created a way to call his leader from a Speak and Spell – that's determination! We could learn a lot from this movie, even though he found things fun and met some really important people here NOTHING was going to stop him from accomplishing his goal. Because of his determination; they came back for him.

We too need to keep in mind that our leader is coming back for us. If we are true aliens and keep our native planet in mind we will not falter, we will make it back. Believers in Christ are aliens in this world. It is difficult for us to fit into a world that by and large is out of touch with our leader. We have different values and priorities than the world. We are aliens in a strange land and we don't and shouldn't speak the native language. We shouldn't take part and participate in all the "normal" traditions. We shouldn't fit in so easily.

Jesus didn't and we shouldn't blend in. We may feel awkward and out of touch with the surroundings. But we can accomplish our mission…hopefully each and every one of us will be asked the question, "Take us to your leader."


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